
Shells! Shells! Shells!

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Shells! Shells! Shells!

Shells! Shells! Shells!

By: Nancy Elizabeth Wallace

genre: Young Adult/Childrens - Children`s
publication date:07/23/2013
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What makes shells? How do shells grow? Why are some shells bumpy? Buddy and his mother spend a delightful day at the beach. They collect shells, and Buddy’s mother explains how they are made. She answers Buddy’s many questions about whelks, mussels, clams, and the rest of their discoveries. With her signature artwork using recycled paper, markers, crayons, actual shells, and colored pencils, Nancy Elizabeth Wallace takes a closer look at everything a child will enjoy seeing. This book is a perfect introduction to environmental science and biology, but will also be useful to all enthusiastic beachcombers. A bookmark craft activity and a page of shell facts are included.

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